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Centre Tour


We have an open door policy at Giggles Day Care Centre, which means we welcome families to come and tour the centre with one of our friendly Educators anytime between the hours of 6.00am to 6.00pm.


If you are interested in enrolling your child but would like to see if Giggles is the right centre for you, please feel free to pop in, give us a call or send us a quick email and we will be more than happy to show you around or organise a suitable time convenient to you for a tour.


Would you like to enrol your child?


If you are looking to enrol your child into Giggles Day Care Centre, please print off and fill out the below forms and return them to the Office at Giggles. 

 + Enrolment Form


 + Information for my Educators


 + Additional Enrolment Documents


Along with you enrolment form, we will require a copy of the following documents:


 + Birth Certificate


 + Immunisation Record (printed from Centrelink/MyGov)


 + Custody Particulars or Court Documents

"The goal of Early Childhood Education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn."

 - Maria Montessori - 

Parent Handbook


Before or upon enrolling your child, please take the time to read the below Parent Handbook. This Handbook includes all of the essential information in regards to the running of the Centre and what you will need for your child's daily attendance. 


 + Parent Handbook



If you have any questions regarding the Enrolment process, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to run you through it.

Welcome to Giggles Day Care Centre Induction Pack


This document will welcome you to Giggles Day Care Centre and includes information like an introduction to our learning documentation process, important centre policies and our Code of Ethics. You will also find some forms that may come in handy during your child's enrolment at the centre.


 + Induction Pack


Centre Philosophy


Our mission at Giggles Day Care Centre is to create, without exception, an environment to nuture, educate and inspire not only the children and thier families, but each other. If you would like to read a copy of our Centre Philosophy, please click below.


 + Philosophy


If you require a hard copy of any of our downloadable documents but do not have access to a printer, please feel free to visit us at the centre, and one of our friendly staff can print you off a copy. 


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